主营产品: 测试设备租赁业务+硬件测试外包服务(信号完整性测试、电源完整性测试、EMC测试、可靠性测试、失效分析测试、电子元器件测试、安规测试、以太网性能测试、射频测试等)


在实际测试时,受试物在上电期间可能会产生很强的瞬态信号,可能会冲击并损坏测试接收机的RF输入端口,因此一般需要在AMN和接收机之间串一个能瞬态信号的脉冲限幅器(如ESH3-Z2)。如果受试物电流过大(例如大于400A)或者无法使用AMN进行测量时,可以使用CISPR 16-1-2规定的高阻抗电压(如R&S ESH2-Z3或Schwarzbeck TK 9420)进行测量。
CISPR 11: Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment and similar equipment –Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics –Limits and methods of measurement
CISPR 12: Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines—Radio disturbance characteristics—Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of off board receivers
CISPR 13: Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment –Radio disturbance characteristics –Limits and methods of measurement
CISPR 14-1:Electromagnetic compatibility . Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus -Part 1: Emission
CISPR 15: Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment
CISPR 22:Information technology equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics –Limits and methods of measurement

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